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Area Rugs

Often considered the foundation of a room, area rugs can change the entire look and feel of a room. This section brings together the latest rugs and relevant news on the industry.

30th Annual ARTS Awards Finalists Announced

Dallas Market Center and ART, the creative home furnishings network, have released the full list of finalists for the 30th Annual ARTS Awards taking place on Friday, January 18, 2019. The ARTS…

Idea Board: Contemporary Looks

Cool Contemporary introductions in nickels, grays and whites contrast the warmth that permeates home furnishings. In the Harper Collection from Feiss, light glows through Plated Smoke Glass…
Kasuri Ivory/Persimmon Area Rug with an orange border and tassels from Loloi Rugs
Loloi Rugs Kasuri Ivory/Persimmon Area Rug

Kasuri Ivory/Persimmon Area Rug

Part of the Magnolia Home by Joanna Gaines Collection for Loloi Rugs, the Kasuri Ivory/Persimmon area rug presents a fresh take on traditional East Indian fabrics. Made from 100 percent wool, hooked…

Rugs America Doubles Showroom Space at 295 Fifth Avenue

Rugs America has doubled its space in a new showroom at the Textile Building at 295 Fifth Avenue in New York City. The company has recently undergone a massive overhaul in product development,…

Trending: Moody Blues

Ultra Violet is the color the year and pink the latest to inspire a catchy pop song, but few hues have such universal appeal as blue. Maybe we love it because it’s the color of the sea and sky. Maybe…

Trending at Summer 2018 Las Vegas Market

Menswear Detailing  This is a look we’ve been tracking since April’s High Point and are continuing to see at the summer markets. Alder & Tweed, who is collaborating with designer and TV…

Our Editor's #ViewOnVegas Picks

Suede chandeliers from CDI Furniture   Davis says: "Lighting as decoration is something I love, love, love, and these make such a design statement! New this year for CDI, they're handmade in India…

Area Rugs In Living Color

We love neutrals as much as the next home fashion enthusiasts, but if there’s ever been a time incorporate color into your design mix, it’s now. Cheerful spaces featuring such powerful pigments as…
Artesia Charcoal/Gray Area Rug with a tribal pattern from Loloi Rugs
Loloi Rugs Artesia Charcoal/Gray Area Rug

Artesia Charcoal/Gray Area Rug

Part of the ED Ellen DeGeneres for Loloi Rugs, the Artesia area rug is shown here in the Charcoal/Gray colorway. Skilled artisans in India rug hand-tufted the rug, which is made of wool and viscose.…

Area Rugs: Off the Runway, On the Floor

Tassels and fringe made a big comeback on the runway last year, and now these embellishments are hitting the ground, so to speak. See how tassels are reinterpreted and reinvented on area rugs. Bold…
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