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Area Rugs

Often considered the foundation of a room, area rugs can change the entire look and feel of a room. This section brings together the latest rugs and relevant news on the industry.

Unique Loom Revival Rug

Combining traditional floral and tribal designs with bold contemporary colors ranging from dark navy blues to bright pinks, the Revival Collection from Unique Loom looks to the past while still being…

Safavieh Herat Rug

Timeless area rug design and modern decor sensibilities come together in the Herat Rug Collection by Safavieh. Classic patterns are revived in decor-smart colors and an antique patina, lending a…

Kaleen Soumela Rug

Inspired by the architecture of the Gothic Period, the Soumela collection from Kaleen features detailed designs in an array of traditional styles and colors. Machine-made in Turkey from 100 percent…
Jaipur Living Manifest Rug
Jaipur Living Manifest Rug

Jaipur Living Manifest Rug

The Manifest collection from Jaipur Living is hand-knotted in an exclusive blend of Afghani wool that creates lots of color and movement in the yarn. North African-inspired designs are available in…

Feizy Palomar Rug

The hand-drawn geometry and delightful asymmetry of Feizy's Palomar collection are reminiscent of the woven handiwork of various nomadic cultures. Beautifully versatile shades of ink, charcoal,…

Kaleen Mila Rug

Simple and elegant, the Mila collection from Kaleen consists of a monochromatic lower pile with contrasting raised geometric detailing. These beautiful rugs feature a macromer-type detailing and long…

Tufenkian Delmonico Rug

A contemporary take on Art Deco’s geometric glamour, the Cubiste collection from Tufenkian brings to mind paintings by famed Cubist artists - the likes of Paul Cézanne, Pablo Picasso, and Georges…
Nourison Virtual Market High Point Market
Nourison will share introductions both in person at High Point Market and virtually this month.

Nourison Will Showcase Debuts at High Point Market and During a Virtual Market

Floor covering and home accents manufacturer Nourison will be opening and staffing its High Point Market showroom with company employees at IHFC-IH101, from October 13 – October 21, 2020. In…
Kaleen Nora Collection Area Rug
Kaleen Nora Collection Area Rug

Kaleen Nora Collection Area Rug

The colorful rugs in the Nora Collection from Kaleen Rugs feature a plethora of printed traditional styles, designed to compliment any room. Each rug is finished with a small fringe on two sides and…

Unique Loom, Vince Camuto Debut New Rug Collection

Unique Loom, a rug manufacturer, and Authentic Brands Group (ABG), global brand owner, marketing and entertainment company, announced the debut of a new rug collection, the Vince Camuto brand. “We’…
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