
3 Ways to Boost Your Interior Design Confidence

Melissa Galt shares her tips for boosting your confidence, which can lead to more clients.

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boost your interior design business confidence
Confidence Is An Aphrodisiac for Clients and Cash.

Confidence is an aphrodisiac that can lead to clients and cash, and it is essential to your interior design business success. It’s a mindset muscle you can train with the exercises presented here in less than 5 minutes a day. Give yourself the gift of confidence and your life and business will bloom in unexpected ways.

1. Get a Journal You Love & Can’t Wait to Use

This needs to be about paper and ink, not a keyboard and computer. You’ll get far more impact by manually writing your answers to just three daily questions, every day for one full year. This will take you less than 5 minutes a day, the results are profound, priceless and last a lifetime.
You want a journal that is small enough to travel with you, keep it in your purse or work tote for quick reference. And make sure it has room for writing, doodling and drawing. This is about boosting your interior design confidence so you want to harness all your senses.

a. Start at the Back of the Journal|Notebook...

And handwrite in all of your interior design testimonials. They may be from your website, your Facebook, your IG, your Google listing or your Houzz. Hand copy them into the back of your journal for quick reference and a confidence boost.
I encourage you to do this one per page, and allow room for you to write comments about the client and the project. This is a quick shot of interior design confidence based on what others have said about you. If you’ve been sloppy in getting testimonials, this is your wake up call!

b. What You Ask Yourself (and Answer) Daily

What am I good at or what’s good about me? It’s simple but can often be one of the hardest questions to answer when you’re beating yourself up, your negative nelly or ned is at play, or you just aren’t used to praising yourself.
If you get stuck, ask your kids, your spouse or a friend. It’s often easier to do this for others than it is for ourselves. The point of this is to get you turning your focus from what’s wrong with you or what you’re not doing well, to what you’re awesome at! This works to boost your interior design confidence.
What can I delegate today? Now, this question means you are in charge of your day, it’s not in charge of you. You know what needs to get done and you know what you’re good at and what your not.

2. Delegate 

Delegate what you aren't good at. Whether it’s outsourcing to an assistant in real time or online talent doesn’t matter. Bragging about doing it all yourself isn’t how you get ahead and grow your interior design practice. Focus on your strengths and delegate weaknesses. You want to save your attention for the $1K tasks not the $10 tasks, so get those off your plate.

3. What will I do for myself today?

If it weren’t for you, your interior design business wouldn’t exist, your spouse wouldn’t be married to you, and the kids wouldn’t exist either (if you have them). You must learn to take care of you each and every day so you’re available for you, your clients and your family. 
Prioritizing yourself may feel strange at first. You’re probably used to putting everyone else’s needs in front of yours. Stop it. Whether it’s taking 20 minutes for meditation, 30 minutes for a workout, giving yourself permission for an extra cup of coffee or time for lunch with a friend, a new pair or shoes, you get the idea.

Melissa Galt
Melissa Galt is the author of the Sound Advice blog

Melissa Galt is a sales-generating, referral-building, relationship maker who has the proven processes and successful systems that help you earn more in less time with greater ease, doing exactly what you love most. Whether you want to master time management, renovate your rates, remodel your marketing so it attracts only your ideal clients, or build your team for exceptional growth, Melissa has the strategies and tools you want. She’s been coaching, training, and consulting with designers and retailers for over 15 years. Her expertise is from the trenches of design as a successful residential designer, educator, blogger, and speaker. When you want to ditch what’s not working, you can find her online @melissagalt and www.melissagalt.com.
