
ART Launches ARTful Wednesdays

The virtual series starting on April 8 aims to foster networking and education.

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artful wednesdays

Next week, ART (Accessories Resource Team), the creative home furnishings network, will launch a new virtual series, ARTful Wednesdays. 

“None of us have experienced anything like this COVID-19 situation before. Most of our member companies are under mandate to work from home and we feel the loss of connecting with each other,” said Lois Del Negro of Global Views and President of ART.  “Networking is one of our association’s strengths and we’re missing out on that opportunity with our annual conference cancellation which was scheduled for this week, and then no spring market either. We are launching a virtual schedule that incorporates education and network community time to make up for our loss of connectivity.”

The first ARTful Wednesday is ART Talks on April 8, which will be a member community hangout. The webinar session on April 15 will be open to the industry and focus on Trends from Maison & Objet presented by Patti Carpenter of carpenter + company and Global Trend Ambassador for Maison & Objet. For more information on these sessions and more, visit the ART website events page. More Wednesday sessions will be added to the schedule as they become available. 

For more information on ART membership and other ART programming, visit www.accessoriesresourceteam.org or call 704-904-7854.  
