
Designers: Don't Miss the Deadline to Enter Your Furniture, Lighting & Decor Cover Shot

Operation Cover Shot is open to all designers. Share your images per instructions in this article for editorial coverage in our January issue! The deadline for entry is November 30, 2021. 

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Operation Cover Shot
Get your design work on the cover of Furniture, Lighting & Decor's January cover!

Calling all designers! You may have noticed that Furniture, Lighting & Decor features stylish room shots on our monthly issue covers. We look for rooms that represent current interior design trends and the products that speak to you, our audience. What’s more on trend and inspiring than the spaces you create? That’s why we’re opening our covers to the design community.

We Want You!

Here’s your chance to be on the January cover of Furniture, Lighting & Decor magazine. We’re hosting a contest that starts this month. One lucky winner will be featured on the January 2022 cover of Furniture, Lighting & Decor magazine, which goes to multiple markets: The January Dallas Total Home & Gift Market, Atlanta Market and Las Vegas Market! Plus, in the same month, you’ll have your own feature with an article in the magazine about your business and design style. You’ll want the opportunity to be featured in our expanded January issue!

Three runners-up will be featured in Last Look in January, February and March.

Entries for this contest open November 1, 2021. Please submit your entry to Diane Falvey, dfalvey@sgcmail.com with the subject line: FLD Cover Contest. Share your submissions on Instagram and Facebook, too, with the hashtag #FLDCoverContest.

How to Enter

• Submit high-resolution images from design projects that you are particularly proud of. Please submit more than one image for each room.

• Images need to contain furniture, lighting and decor items. Vertical images are better than horizontal (but croppable horizontal images can work as well)

• Images should have some space toward the top for the Furniture, Lighting & Decor logo

• Images need to be high resolution (300 dpi) and at least 10”x12”

• Please do not submit images that have been published in other print magazines

• Include a brief description of the room you are submitting along with photography credit.

All entries must be submitted by November 30, 2021.
