
Hinkley Introduces Fans for Frontline Heroes

The company will give away 500 Regency ceiling fans to frontline responders and volunteers.

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Hinkley will give away 500 Regency ceiling fans as part of its Fans for Frontline Heroes initiative running through May 15. Frontline Heroes can enter themselves or be nominated by others, and winners will choose their fan after being selected. 

Jess and Eric Wiedemer shared the following message on the initiative with the company's partners:

"Along with you, we’ve witnessed countless acts of fortitude, selflessness and heroism from frontline responders and volunteers in recent weeks. We’ve been humbled and awestruck by their sacrifice. Because of these heroes, many of us have been able to shelter in place with our loved ones, in familiar and comfortable surroundings. We’ve realized that our homes have never been more important to our health and peace of mind, and we want to pay it forward.

We are honored to share that Hinkley will be giving away 500 ceiling fans as part of our Fans for Frontline Heroes initiative during the first two weeks in May. When these heroes return home to relax and regroup with their families, our hope is that we can give back some of the comfort they’ve given us. You can find all the details for Fans for Frontline Heroes here.

As part of the Hinkley family, we want to encourage you to share this giveaway of Regency ceiling fans with your local communities to nominate hometown heroes and highlight their special stories in your area. You can learn how here. You can also look for this campaign across Hinkley’s social channels.

As we make our way out of these challenging times, we’ll still all be in this together. It’s a commitment to our shared humanity and caring for others that will carry us forward.

We hope you’ll join us to honor all the frontline heroes and volunteers that are keeping us healthy and safe."
