
IDS Virtual Education Series Includes eDesign, Website Essentials

Topics include eDesign and website essentials for surviving an economic recession.

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Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
(Photo by Unsplash user Christin Hume)

The Interior Design Society (IDS) shared its schedule for this week's virtual educational webinars. The schedule is below.

Tuesday, April 14: 1 - 2:15 p.m. EST

Learn eDesign 101 with Jenna Gaidusek, Sarah Durnez and Kelly Fridline. Advanced registration is required.

Password to enter the webinar: edesign

Register for eDesign Webinar

Wednesday, April 15: 1 - 2:15 p.m. EST

How to Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down with Traci Connell. Advanced registration is required.

Password to enter the webinar: traci

In this webinar, Traci Connell will share the proven method she used when scaling her design business 20x during the most challenging period in her life. Discover how she created her strategy based niche to reach a higher level client base, created a “No Fail” client experience service and flipped her mindset to reach this lofty goal. She has seen herself in many designers as they are experiencing setbacks in life and businesses which led her to create her coaching program to help them break through their circumstances and scale in a big way! Join her as she shares actionable tools for you to start developing your plan now in order to uplevel your business.

Register for Traci's Webinar

Thursday, April 16: 1 - 2:15 p.m. EST

Yian Quach will present on: Website Essentials to Survive an Economic Recession as an Interior Designer

Password to enter the webinar: yian

In a down economy, there are fewer projects to go around. Are you doing enough to set yourself apart? In this webinar, Yian Quach will demonstrate several specific ways to elevate your website so you can attract more of your ideal clients. Since 2015, Yian has helped over 100 interior designers from those just starting out to award-winning designers published in Architectural Digest, Luxe, and more.

Register for Yian's Webinar

Replays of previous webinars can be viewed on the IDS website.
