
Pantone Names 2017 Color of the Year, Michelle Lamb Weighs In

Greenery symbolizes nature and new beginnings.

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Pantone announced its 2017 Color of the Year: Pantone 15-0343 Greenery.

A shade described as "refreshing and revitalizing," Greenery symbolizes new beginnings. The color embodies the first days of spring with hues of green and yellow when nature is restoring and revitalizing itself. Greenery is meant to reminiscent of the natural wonder and beauty of nature, and it aims to capture the desire to infuse nature into our urban planning, architecture, lifestyle and design choices globally. Pantone describes the color as "nature's neutral" and says the color is meant to signal to consumers to "take a deep breath, oxygenate and reinvigorate."

"Greenery bursts forth in 2017 to provide us with the reassurance we yearn for amid a tumultuous social and political environment," Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. "Satisfying our growing desire to rejuvenate and revitalize, Greenery symbolizes the reconnection we seek with nature, one another and a larger purpose." 

Michelle Lamb, Editorial Director of The Trend Curve in Eden Prarie, MN, couldn't be more excited for this color.

"I think it is one of the most useable colors we've seen in a long time," she says.

Greenery can be paired with many different color palettes, including neutrals, metallics, brights and even the 2016 Color of the Year choices, Rose Quartz and Serenity. The color, Lamb says, fits in with other trends on the 2017 horizon, including a warmer palette and an increase in floral patterns, including cactus motifs, tropical leaves and tree-of-life patterns.

"We have reasons to think about greens," she says, "and we have reasons for the palette to be warming, so putting those two together, I think that marks success for this color."

What strikes Lamb about Greenery is its versatility. She believes just about any product would look good in it.

"I know that the home furnishings industry has sometimes struggled to find an appropriate role for the color of the year," Lamb says. "I believe there will be no such struggle."

Each year, Pantone chooses the Color of the Year based on what the company perceives to be taking place in the global culture. The color is a snapshot of this culture.
