
Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

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Embracing new adventures and taking risks can be exhilarating — and good for business. (Photo: Unsplash user Sammie Vasquez)

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Diane Falvey, and it’s so nice to meet you. I’m also the new Editor-in-Chief of Furniture, Lighting & Decor. I’ve been in this industry for some time but this is a new role. I’m super excited to be part of the Furniture, Lighting & Decor team! 

Each new venture, though, takes us just a little bit out of our comfort zones. It’s easy to get comfortable when we know what to expect and how to react. Less change equals less stress, right? If we aren’t taking some risks and embracing new adventures, however, we can lose momentum. Stretching beyond our comfort zones brings growth, and there’s a certain exhilaration that comes with that. Growth is also good for business, obviously. 

As retailers and designers, you already know you have to be in constant learning mode. You understand the importance of staying on top of style trends, home innovation and technology. Furniture, Lighting & Decor is here to help keep you informed through our issues, website and social media. 

This month, for example, we share our findings from the Consumer Electronics Show, feting out the impact and trajectory of developing smart home trends. “Alexa, fluff my pillow!” We’re not here yet, but it might not be that far off.

You also know consumer preferences are always evolving — from what is shopped for to how purchases are made. So, beyond new products and trends, are you also staying on top of the technical aspects of your business? Are you connected with current clients and reaching new customers through your website, email campaigns and social media? 

Technology changes quickly, and we need to keep up. It’s easy to say, “I don’t have time…” to post to Instagram, research a better website platform, optimize that email or write that blog post. In reality though, we need to make the time to learn and implement the tools that elevate our businesses. 

At Furniture, Lighting & Decor, we’re here to help with that too. You’ll find actionable advice on business development initiatives in our magazine and on our website, along with the industry news and trends that reflect today’s consumer lifestyles. We have access to industry experts, innovators and trendsetters, and we’ll share their insights so you are better prepared to step outside of your business’s comfort zone. With Furniture, Lighting & Decor as a partner, you can take comfort knowing we’ll deliver the expertise you need to inform your business growth. 

I’d like to hear from you to learn more about how we can help you succeed. Please reach out to dfalvey@sgcmail.com to share your thoughts on trends, business and consumer insights, and content you’d like to see from Furniture, Lighting & Decor. 



Photo: Unsplash user Sammie Vasquez

Diane Falvey

Diane Falvey is Editor-in-Chief of Furniture, Lighting & Decor, leading the editorial direction of the brand, and continuing to build the brand’s reach and messaging through print, digital and event platforms. Falvey came to the brand from Dallas Market Center, where as Editor-in-Chief, she was responsible for creative and content direction for the Source magazine and the Market Center’s other editorial publications. Falvey also served as Editor-in-Chief of Gifts & Decorative Accessories, a monthly trade publication and digital platform designed to support gift and home retailers.
