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Area Rugs

Often considered the foundation of a room, area rugs can change the entire look and feel of a room. This section brings together the latest rugs and relevant news on the industry.

Peking Handicraft Floral Impressions rug
Peking Handicraft Floral Impressions rug

Floral Impressions Rug

From Peking Handicraft, the Floral Impressions hook rug measures 27 inches by 40 inches, perfect for a kitchen or bathroom. Designed by Elizabeth Olwen.
Sapphire traditional-style Area Rug in blue, black and green
Capel Rugs Sapphire Area Rug

Sapphire Area Rug

A contemporary design from Capel Rugs, the Sapphire area rug is part of the Cosmic collection. Its flat woven construction features sapphire and onyx colors.
Tayse Peyton Area Rug
Tayse Peyton Area Rug

Peyton Area Rug

Designed with Oriental motifs and old-world charm, this Peyton area rug from Tayse is machine-made of soft polypropylene with a jute baking. 
Feizy Abelia Collection rug
Feizy Abelia Collection rug

Abelia Collection Rug

In the Feizy Abelia Collection, red, gold and orange work in harmony with blue to create a casual, livable pattern. Tufted in India with a .2-inch thickness. 
Succulents area rug with a bright floral design in red, yellow, teal, blue and green from Company C
Company C Succulents area rug

Succulents Area Rug

From Company C, the Succulents hand-hooked rug contains nearly two dozen shades of greens, teals, fuchsias and more set against an earthy brown background. As a twist on popular floral patterns, it's…
Atlantic Area Rug in an abstract design with pops of blue, orange, red and gold from Nourison
Nourison Atlantic Area Rug

Atlantic Area Rug

Part of the Celestial Collection from Nourison, the Atlantic area rug weaves glowing orange, coral and crimson leaves together to create an exquisite autumnal azure sky. 
Cayman Area Rug in orange, pink and yellow with a floral pattern from Oriental Weavers
Oriental Weavers Cayman Area Rug

Cayman Area Rug

This bright and bold Cayman area rug from Oriental Weavers is machine woven and made of polypropylene.
Editor's Faves by Nicole Bowling
Editor's Faves by Nicole Bowling

Introducing Editor's Faves

Our first newsletter, Editor's Faves, is now up and running! In this weekly transmission you'll receive a note from me as well as my favorite products, straight to your inbox.  It seems like an…

Fifth Avenue Rug

The metro-chic look of Art Deco design is captured in the Fifth Avenue rug collection by Safavieh. Featuring clean-lined geometric patterns, colored in vivid colors and set in a pure New Zealand wool…
Heart wall art on wooden backboard from MWCBK
MWCBK Heart wall art

Be Our Valentine

These pink and red finds have us in the Valentine's Day spirit!
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