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Area Rugs

Often considered the foundation of a room, area rugs can change the entire look and feel of a room. This section brings together the latest rugs and relevant news on the industry.

Desert indoor/outdoor area rug in coral from Jaipur Living
Jaipur Desert indoor/outdoor area rug

Desert Indoor/Outdoor Rug

This indoor/outdoor flatweave area rug from Jaipur Living was inspired by the traditional kilims of the desert region. Its tribal pattern in an unexpected palette of muted pinks, corals and grays was…
Chroma Aegean Area Rug in an abstract design with grays, blue and greens from Nourison
Nourison Chroma Aegean Area Rug

Chroma Aegean Area Rug

The Chroma Aegean area rug from Nourison is loom woven with shades of green, blue, silver, black and white. The design features beautiful fish diving into the waves of the sea.
Oriental Weavers Atrium Area Rug
Oriental Weavers Atrium Area Rug

Atrium Area Rug

Part of the Tommy Bahama collection, the Atrium area rug from Oriental Weavers is hand-hooked. The fiber is 100 percent polypropylene.

2017 Color of the Year: Greenery

Color forecasting agency Pantone declared this yellow-green shade, signifying nature and revitalization, the one to watch in 2017. Products in this color family are easy to come by and even easier to…
Bloomingville Dark Grey Mongolian Lamb Fur
Bloomingville Dark Grey Mongolian Lamb Fur

Lamb Fur Rug

Soft to touch, this Mongolian Lamb Fur rug from Bloomingville comes in a Dark Grey color.

Capel Rugs and Anthony Baratta to Collaborate

Capel Rugs has forged a partnership with designer Anthony Baratta to develop a new line of rug designs that will be introduced at the October 2017 High Point Market. “I am thrilled and honored to be…
Kasbah from Capel
Kasbah, a collection of hand-knotted transitional styles with a Persian flair from Capel, has a new addition: Nomad, made of 100 percent Lincoln wool. www.capelrugs.com

Floor Hits

Linear designs in black and cream: Watch these rugs sail to the top of the charts. 

Idea Board: Dining Rooms | Modern Rustic

Contemporary relaxes with rustic touches: Sleek silhouettes and clean lines marry primitive textures and natural materials for a casual statement.  Plush details: Cream shearling and tarnished gold…

Idea Board: Dining Rooms | From Cuba With Love

As this Caribbean country wakes to a new dawn, style inspired by Havana’s culture and history emerges: An eclectic feel is created by a mix of tradition with pops of color and opulence.  Gold…
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