
WithIt Taps Amber De La Garza as Keynote for Virtual Education Brunch

De La Garza will talk about maximizing your time to be more productive on September 24. 

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WithIt Virtual Conference 2021, Amber De La Garza

WithIt, the women’s leadership development network for the home and furnishings industries, announces that their fall virtual education event, sponsored by Myriad Software, will feature productivity coach, Amber De La Garza. Her keynote "Reclaim Your Time with Time Maximizers: Stop Being Busy & Start Being Productive" will take place on Friday, September 24th at 12 noon EST on the virtual platform HOPIN.

De La Garza is a sought-after coach, trainer, speaker, writer and host of the “Productivity Straight Talk” podcast. She helps business owners and employees improve their time management and elevate their productivity to maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most. Her approach to productivity is extremely actionable to give attendees real strategies to implement immediately. 

“We recognize that we are often overwhelmed managing day-to-day tasks and chasing our to-do list, rather than accomplishing what matters most to our business,” says Lorri Kelley, 2021 president of WithIt. “The skills to maximize productivity are never more important than today. Working remotely while managing businesses and families has given us different challenges during the last year. We hope this session will give us all takeaways to make the most of our day.”

This virtual event continues WithIt’s year of digital professional development. While many of WithIt’s fall market events are in-person, the education brunch remains virtual this year, giving more women nationwide the ability to access education. The HOPIN platform features a randomized networking function between attendees in a format resembling a zoom meeting. 

“I've been a part of a number of virtual conferences over the past year and a half and my experience attending WithIt events has been by far the most rewarding and connecting virtual experiences,” says Leah Kirkland, Senior Director with Outward Inc. “The [HOPIN] platform truly allows for a conference experience online, but the organizers and members are what truly give it life. Through the encouragement of chat and networking functionality participants are truly able to connect to other attendees in a meaningful and interactive way. Attending a virtual event put on by WithIt allows you to deepen your learning experience and truly connect with other attendees.”

Tickets for “Reclaim Your Time with Time Maximizers: Stop Being Busy & Start Being Productive” can be purchased at withit.org; the cost for members is $20 and $25 for guests.

Responding to a demand for advanced professional development content, WithIt is programming their education breakfasts / brunches with information that can used by women and men throughout the industry, no matter their job function.
