
5 Tips for Interior Design Social Media Success

Nancy Ganzekaufer shares her tips for social media success as an interior designer, including hashtags and social media planning insights!

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Nancy Ganzekaufer Business Coaching
Nancy Ganzekaufer shares social media strategies for interior designers.

What is your biggest challenge as an interior designer? According to a Unity Marketing poll attracting new clients is problem #1 across the board.  Social media marketing seems to be the go-to solution these days for business growth.

But unless you have a solid plan for it, your chances of success are not so great. And social media marketing for an interior design business requires a bit of savvy.

Have you found a successful formula for using social media?  Do you even know where to start?

Whether you’ve tried it and had less than great results, or this is new territory for you, I have some tips that might help jump-start your social media efforts.

1. Start Strong

The best place to start is at the beginning, as they say. So, the first order of business is for you to decide how you can best use social media with your particular interior design business.  

A little planning can go a long way. And it can save you time and money! 

 Set Your Goals

The most important ingredient for success is deciding what your marketing goals are. In other words, what do you want to do? Increase your profit margin? Expand your customer base? Spread your reach? Branch into other markets? Build confidence in your brand?  

Once you decide what your goals are, you can use them to measure your social media strategy’s success.

2. Choose Your Target

When you describe your ideal client, what does that look like? One of the keys to success is knowing your target audience, especially with social media. Why? Each social media platform has a unique audience.  

So make some notes about who you think an ideal client is. This comes in handy when deciding which social media sites to use. 

3. Your Definition of Success

When all is said and done, what will make you feel successful? Look back at the goals you named. Put numbers to them. Where are you now and where do you want to be?  

You can use this to see what kind of results you’re getting from each social media platform. What’s working and what isn’t?

4. Keep It Real

Make sure you’re keeping it real. Social media can help boost your business, but Rome wasn’t built in a day!  

Think of social media as a slow, steady journey, not an overnight trip. Setting the bar too high will only discourage you. Stay the course!

5. Bottom Line

I was excited when I first learned that most adults use at least three different types of social media and young adults use at least five. Just think about that – the potential is huge for growing your interior design business. But the bottom line is that your social media efforts will only be successful if you know what you’re aiming for.  

Make a plan and stick to it. Set goals and see them through. And make sure you’re putting yourself in front of the right audience. 

We recently developed an extremely helpful reference called the Social Media Idea Generator. It’s full of ideas for content topics, and it has lots of information on determining your target audience and the best social media sites to use for your Interior Design business. Click here to download it for free!

We’ve also put together a list of 105 Instagram #Hashtags to give your social media following an extra boost. Get your free copy here!





Nancy Ganzekaufer Business Coaching
Nancy Ganzekaufer is a business coach to interior designers and other entrepreneurs.

As a business coach, Nancy Ganzekaufer helps clients tackle the tough challenges in work and life. Her specialty is sales coaching for growing entrepreneurs. She believes that next-level growth happens when you learn to lead your own business and your own life.

Nancy's coaching is designed to help you get the outside perspective, expertise and guidance that can help you reframe your fears and focus on a greater vision for you and your business.  

Getting to the next level might feel out of reach. Nancy provides the knowledge, clarity and action pieces you could be missing.
