
High Point Market Revamps New Product Premiere Program, Sets Image Submission Deadline

The New Product Premiere program will kick off on Monday, Feb. 18.

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The High Point Market Authority (HPMA) has revamped its New Product Premiere program, designed to start the conversation before market on what’s upcoming in home fashion amongst various design industry experts, furniture manufacturers and media partners. Focusing on new products debuting at the upcoming spring market, this multi-faceted program will give attendees a sneak peek of what to expect at the April 6-10 show.

The New Product Premiere program will kick off on Monday, Feb. 18, with a week-long social media focus called Inspiration Week. Throughout the week, each of the eight 2019 Style Spotters will drop new product-focused posts on the High Point Market social media channels. These posts will be comprised of various mediums and each will offer unique insights into new products coming to spring market.

The 2019 Style Spotter Advisors, Shay Geyer and Gary Inman, will also participate in Inspiration Week through a webinar hosted by Dering Hall on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 1 p.m. EST. Blending new product sneak peeks and market insights, the webinar will tap into Geyer and Inman’s trend-tracking expertise as well as their in-depth knowledge of High Point Market as long-time attendees. More information and a registration link for the webinar can be found at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7373094473894161931.

Inspiration Week will be followed by a week-long podcast series with LuAnn Nigara on her popular interior design podcast, A Well-Designed Business, beginning on Monday, Feb. 25. Known for its actionable business advice and interviews with some of the biggest names in the design industry, the week’s podcast interviews will feature designers and influencers launching product lines or other exciting programming happening at the 2019 spring market.

Moving into March, the focus of the program will then shift to invite followers across the globe to participate in the new product conversation. Beginning with a reveal of a spring market new product Pinterest board, the High Point Market social channels will encourage industry members to generate their own inspiration boards, blog posts, social media posts or other digital content and share it using the hashtag #HPMKTinspired. Created content can also be shared directly with the HPMA via a submission form on the New Product Premiere page at www.highpointmarket.org, starting on Monday, March 4.

“We know new product is a top priority for market attendees, meaning this sneak peek into what’s coming to spring market is not only an opportunity to generate excitement, but also a vital component to advanced market planning,” commented Tom Conley, President and CEO of the HPMA. “This program has successfully kicked off the new product discussion for several years now, but these new elements will certainly enhance the conversation by increasing the interaction and inviting broader participation.”

New product images are now being accepted from High Point Market exhibitors for inclusion in the New Product Premiere program. All new product images submitted by High Point Market exhibitors will be featured in a special “New Product Picks” section of www.highpointmarket.org. Images submitted by 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Feb. 12, will be considered for the New Product Premiere features and included on the new product Pinterest board. Exhibitors can submit up to three photos of their spring 2019 introductions via their online exhibitor profile by logging in at http://exhibitor.highpointmarket.org/exhibitor-profile.
