
Integrated Strategies: Combining Email & Facebook to Increase Total Reach

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Combining Facebook and email to increase total reach

You’ve got your email strategy set and you’re considering additional advertising venues for your next campaign. That’s great! Social media marketing offers strong potential to reach existing and new customers. If you combine the two, you’ll increase your ability to engage, motivate and incentivize customers to respond to your offer. When you put them both together into an integrated marketing strategy, you’re enhancing your ability to close sales and leads. 

Build a Campaign

The first step to building an effective marketing campaign is to identify whom you are marketing to. All marketing builds around a specific customer’s wants, needs and desires, and how closely your products or services align with those wants, needs and desires. Your target customers may come from contacts within your CRM system, from media companies or from third-party sites. 

Once you’ve selected your chosen demographics, consider your offer. What messaging will appeal to your targeted professionals? Will it be educational content, brand awareness, promotional contests or coupons?

Next, you’ll want to create your email campaign. Tailor your messaging to your target customer by hitting the emotional trigger points that will encourage them to respond to your offer.

Along with your email campaign, develop your social media messaging. Depending on the platform, identify which style of media (image, carousel, video or plain text) will work best for your posts. With 2 billion daily active users on Facebook, setting a budget and adding a social media push into your campaign will help increase your total reach.  

Additionally, because Facebook now owns Instagram, advertisements on Facebook may also be viewed on the Instagram platform. This builds brand awareness, drives product demand and generates leads . . . all of which helps increase your email list. If you send out the same messages in your ads across multiple platforms, it reinforces, builds and continues the positive growth cycle.

Create, Launch, Share, Repeat

Leveraging a simple integrated marketing campaign strategy like this one takes time and additional effort beyond what it takes to launch a single-channel strategy. However, you’ve just multiplied your campaign’s reach exponentially by including social media to support your email marketing and vice versa. 

Separately, email marketing and social media advertising can each produce a reasonable response rate. Together, they reinforce and energize your campaign so that prospects and customers see, remember and respond to your ads.

In today’s world, where the marketplace is largely advertisements competing for customers’ limited attention spans and wallets, every effort you can make to reach people in multiple ways will reinforce your message. 

Looking beyond email to an integrated strategy makes sense!

We offer services including sponsored posts, digital advertising, email marketing and more, to build a comprehensive integrated marketing campaign that will boost response rates. 
