
Work from Home

STUDY: 64% of Americans Upgraded Their Work From Home Space

In a recent survey of 2,004 Americans, half (54 percent) of all remote workers admit to judging their colleagues’ office decor or furniture during virtual meetings. But it goes both ways — 64 percent…
Home Office Furnishings
We Set Up the Home Office with These Innovative Furnishings

Furnishings That Make the Home Office Work

Trying to configure room spaces for work from home takes imagination. These products can help consumers set up workspaces just about anywhere, whether in an office or dining room. To learn more about…
Universal Furniture Miranda Kerr Home Office
The Allure vanity desk from Universal Furniture's Miranda Kerr collection is small enough to fit several functions.

Configurable Furnishings Offer Style, Flexibility in the Home Office

The pandemic shift to work from home is likely here to stay. These furniture companies are ready with what the consumer needs for home offices. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has catapulted an…

Remote Work. Virtual Connections. New Business Habits for a 'New Normal'

Are you trying to get back to normal or are you adapting to a new normal? I was speaking to a thought leader from Google recently and she reminded me of an important dynamic. She said it takes 66…