
3 Easy Ways to Incorporate Video Into Your Marketing

You don’t need a camera or editing capabilities to start utilizing video for your business. Here are some simple strategies.

Katie Caron
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You don't need fancy equipment to take your video strategy to the next level. (Photo: Unsplash user Charlz Gutiérrez De Piñeres)

By 2021, research from Cisco estimates that video streaming will comprise 81 percent of all web traffic. Research from HubSpot shows that 53 percent of consumers want to see more video content from marketers. By now, you probably know that video is a highly effective format for marketing, but you may be hesitant to incorporate it into your business strategy. Luckily, you don’t need a fancy camera, editing software, experience in video production or loads of free time to start integrating video content into your marketing in small ways. Here are three easy ways to bring video into the fold of your business — no expertise or special equipment required.

1. Go live on Facebook and Instagram 

Going live is a simple way to use video to give your audience a deeper window into your business. And it’s effective: Facebook Live videos are watched three times longer than non-live videos, and Facebook Live videos get 10 times more comments than regular videos. Consider going live on Facebook and Instagram regularly to build more engagement with your followers and boost brand awareness. You can put on an interactive Q&A session, broadcast from an event in your showroom or give a rundown of your new product offerings. Whatever you do, get creative and have fun with it, and promote a live session ahead of time when possible.

2. Record a video testimonial

Customer testimonials demonstrate to your audience that you do a good job without you having to brag. Sharing testimonials in text format is great, but you can take them to the next level by recording video testimonials. Next time you have a satisfied customer in your store or you receive a positive online review, ask if you can record a quick video of them sharing about their experience with your business. All you have to do is grab your smartphone, give the subject a short time window to speak and hit record. You can upload the video to a testimonial section on your site or simply post it to your Facebook or Instagram.

3. Share quick how-to videos

Creating how-to videos is a great way to establish trust with your audience by positioning your business and staff as industry experts. While you could get a little more advanced creating longer how-to videos using editing software, this is by no means necessary. Try shooting one minute videos of your resident lighting or design expert offering tips on anything from this season’s trends to how to install a product properly. You can simply shoot the video on your phone and upload it straight to the social media platform of your choice. Make sure to keep these videos concise and practice your content thoroughly beforehand to eliminate any long, awkward pauses.

If you want to bring up the quality a bit on your smartphone videos, you can buy a tripod for your phone to get rid of any shakiness. A quick web search for “smartphone tripod” brings up many options ranging from $5-$35, which is an easy investment. What ways does your business utilize video? Share with us in the comments!


Photo: Unsplash user Charlz Gutiérrez De Piñeres
