
4 Best Facebook Ad Types for Showrooms

Not sure how to start advertising on Facebook? These four categories of ads will help any showroom get started.

Alison Martin
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Ready to take your page to the next level with Facebook advertising?
Ready to take your page to the next level with Facebook advertising?

One of the best platforms to reach consumers continues to be Facebook. As of the fourth quarter of 2016, Facebook boasted 1.86 billion monthly active users, meaning users who have logged into their accounts within the last 30 days.

The site has the largest audience of all social media platforms and its users spend significant time on the site. Its ad capabilities also offer fantastic targeting options so your ads will reach the right people.

Showrooms can especially benefit from Facebook ads, but not all 11 types are helpful. To get started, here’s our quick guide to the four best Facebook ads for showrooms.

Ad Type 1 – Send People to Your Website

Simply put, this ad type sends people right to your website. It’s a great way to increase traffic to your site, and it can help you introduce your site to new clients. This ad can appear in the newsfeed on desktop and mobile device as well as the righthand side column.

To design this ad, you will need:

-    URL of the page you want to promote.
-    Image(s)/Video for the ad. You can use a single image or video or a carousel of four images.
-    Campaign name.
-    Headline.
-    Description (optional).
-    Call to action.

If you have more than one URL, then you can assign a URL to each of the four images in your carousel. This ad can also be placed on mobile apps and networks owned by Facebook in the Facebook Audience Network.

Ad Type 2 – Increase Conversions on Your Website

If you have a newsletter to send out, this type of ad will help you build your emailing list. Users who click the ad will be taken to your site to add their email addresses and receive your newsletters. 

To design this ad, you will need:

-    URL of the page you want to promote.
-    Conversion pixel to rack the conversions.
-    Image(s)/Video for the ad. You can use a single image or video or a carousel of four images.
-    Campaign name.
-    Headline.
-    Description (optional).
-    Call to action.

These ads can also use multiple images, and they can be shown in the newsfeed on desktop and mobile feeds as well as on the right-side column.

Ad Type 3 – Reach People Near Your Business

For showrooms especially, reaching local consumers is perhaps one of the most important marketing goals. With this ad, you can directly target people near your showroom and get the word out about your space.

To design this ad, you will need:

-    Either a URl or your Facebook page
-    Campaign name.

Once you choose the Reach People Near Your Business ad, you will have the opportunity to set your map’s address. By default, Facebook will automatically use the street address on your Facebook page. You can choose a different one and set the radius between one and 50 mile.

Localized ads also have four preset engagement opportunities:

-    Like Page – Get people to like your page.
-    Call Now – Automatically dial your company’s number.
-    Learn More – Send people to your website.
-    Send Message – Send a message to your Facebook page.

You will then be able to set the image, headline and description.

Ad Type 4 – Raise Attendance at Your Event

You’ve worked hard to put together a great event for your showroom, but now it’s up to you to get a crowd together. This ad type will help expand your event’s reach beyond your current followers. If you’re sponsoring an event, you can also boost events set up from a different Facebook page.

To design this ad, you will need:

-    Facebook event already created or the URL of an existing Facebook event
-    Campaign name.
-    Description.

Much of this ad will be pre-built for you because Facebook takes the information from the event and transfers it to the ad. The date, time, event name, location and current number of people attending and interested will be automatically added, and all you really need to do is add a brief description. When setting the audience for this ad, know that it will default to a segment that is near the event’s location. This can be changed, but keep it mind when building your ad. 

These ads can also appear on desktop and mobile newsfeeds as well as the right-side column. The default call-to-action is Interested.

Which of these ads are you most interested in? Share your thoughts with us!
