
Amy Fimbianti

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Return to Sender: How Retailers Can Minimize Returns

Customer convenience is one major perk of e-commerce. With a few clicks and some payment information, consumers can get almost anything delivered straight to their door in a matter of days. And they…
blue lamp
(Photo: phonlamaiphoto - stock.adobe.com)

Lighting Consumer Research: Illuminating Changes

Your grandpa did business without the internet, but can you? A recent study by The NPD Group’s Checkout E-commerce Tracking service says the lighting industry’s days of poo-pooing the power of e-…

Ode to Outdoor (Lighting)

If interior lighting is the delicious strawberry cream cheese filling between the perfect layers of sponge cake, then outdoor lighting is, of course, the icing on the cake. (Or maybe we’ve just been…
(Photo: Seigle’s Cabinet Center)

Share of Showroom

Rent takes a big bite out of profits, but what if there was a way to cut that expense and generate new business in the process? Opening your showroom up to a complementary business generates a number…
The stage was set at June Lightovation, where six showrooms took home top prizes at the annual Showroom of the Year awards.

2017 Showroom of the Year: On Being a Winner

June Lightovation feels incomplete without the Showroom of the Year awards ceremony. This year, amazing retailers from across the continent came to Dallas Market Center for the big announcement on…