
health and wellness

Retailers can also employ biophilia to connect with consumers.

The Biophilia Link to Wellness in Home Design

If Covid has taught us anything, it’s how important our homes are to our overall well-being. As designers, how do you assess and define the attributes that are most important to your clients to…

Lori Miller to Offer Wellness-Themed Seminars at High Point

Visitors to this Fall's High Point Market will be offered several wellness themed seminars including Sensory by Design with Interior Designer and accredited mental health professional Lori Miller.…
lighting for wellness
Using texture and light to create dynamic pattern can mimic natural light. The texture of the green wall is accentuated using lighting, creating dimensionality and dynamic highlights and shadows.

How Lighting Can Influence Wellness

The purpose of lighting goes beyond just illuminating the darkness. Light, particularly natural light, tells our bodies the time of day and has a direct impact on our health and wellness, as well as…
Lori Miller LGC Interior Design Wellness
This bedroom from LGC Design showcases the happy, multifunctional vibe associated with wellness in the home.

Designers Focus on Happy and Healthy in Wellness-Inspired Interiors

In a year where health has dominated many of our lives and staying at home has been the norm, it’s not surprising that there has been an uptick in demand for home environments that imbue a sense of…