
National Association of Realtors

(Photo: Unsplash user Milivoj Kuhar)
(Photo: Unsplash user Milivoj Kuhar)

Home Renovations: When to Call the Professionals

With the popularity of home renovation shows, it comes as no surprise that more homeowners are taking on some big renovations themselves these days. That doesn’t mean opportunities to advise, assist…
Ashton Woods kitchen
In the kitchen, participants in the Ashton Woods 2018 National Homebuyer Survey said they preferred natural wood kitchen cabinets (30 percent) over white cabinets (17 percent). (Photo: Ashton Woods)

Pulse on Housing

As much as we’d like to be the drivers of our own destiny, external factors affect the health of our industry, housing included. Right now, a construction labor shortage, higher home prices and…
Pexels apartment
(Photo: Pexels)

Baby Boomers and Small-Space Living

Millennials love small spaces. Baby Boomers love big spaces. Right? Maybe not. This spring, Lighting & Decor conducted a reader survey to see how retailers viewed small-space living. When asked…