
3 Newsletter Platforms to Reach More Customers

Meeting customers in their inboxes can be made simple with these newsletter creation tools.

Amy McIntosh
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Image by talha khalil from Pixabay
Image by talha khalil from Pixabay

Today’s email marketing platforms are more advanced than ever before. With retargeting, automated communications and e-commerce integration, retailers and designers alike can stay in front of their customers and clients with information, offers and news to keep their brands top of mind for subscribers. Creating a comprehensive database of email subscribers to communicate with on a regular basis can mean more sales, especially when communications are personalized to their needs. Below are three platforms with a range of capabilities and scalable pricing to suit your business needs.


EmailOctopus specializes in simplicity, with a philosophy of doing less, but doing it well. This frills-free operation helps keep costs low for users; the platform is free for up to 2,500 email subscribers and 10,000 emails per month, with scalable Pro plans starting at $20 a month for up to 5,000 subscribers. The free version includes EmailOctopus branding on each newsletter and will keep reports for up to 30 days, while a Pro account offers full template customization and reports available indefinitely. Pre-made drag-and-drop templates make newsletter creation easy, and tools like automated email sequences can engage new subscribers with welcome emails on a set schedule. Users can also import their existing email list and create website landing pages to capture new subscribers. A plugin is available to add a subscription form to WordPress sites. www.emailoctopus.com


Geared specifically toward e-commerce businesses, Drip integrates with platforms like Shopiify and Magento to harness the data already provided by those websites into actionable insights to improve your email marketing. See which transmissions are driving sales and which customers are buying based on your outreach. A/B testing allows for experimentation with different strategies for the greatest impact, and custom segmentation options allows users to tag and organize customers on the back end for more specific audience targeting. Newsletter sign-up forms are easy to customize and control based on website user behavior. An SMS option also is available, allowing retailers to text customers with personalized offers. Pricing varies based on newsletter list size, starting at $19 a month for up to 500 contacts. 



From startups to e-commerce to enterprises, Sendinblue has email marketing packages to suit a range of needs. A free option exists, along with a $25 per month Lite package and $65 per month Premium package. As the price increases, so too do the features. More emails, more customization, more analytics and more support are all available at higher tiers. Sendinblue’s offerings include SMS, Facebook ads for retargeting and live web chat in addition to their email marketing capabilities, and every piece of the communication pipeline can be customized, including messaging, design and automation pathways. Data reports and email heat maps offer insight into what content is resonating with your subscribers, and API and plugins allow for easy integration and connectivity with your existing website. 

