
email marketing

Image by talha khalil from Pixabay
Image by talha khalil from Pixabay

3 Newsletter Platforms to Reach More Customers

Today’s email marketing platforms are more advanced than ever before. With retargeting, automated communications and e-commerce integration, retailers and designers alike can stay in front of their…
(focus_bell - stock.adobe.com)

How to Make a Good Impression on Your Retail Customer with a Welcome Email

When you’re putting your brand directly in front of customers, first impressions mean a lot. If a customer gives you their email address, they’re giving you permission to share your story with them,…
rawpixel woman emailing
(Photo: Pexels user rawpixel)

How Are Consumers Tackling Their Inboxes?

As consumers, many of our personal email inboxes are filling up at a rapid pace. As retailers, you might be wondering how your email subscribers manage this daily influx of emails. Digital marketing…
Adobestock email
(Photo: Bits and Splits - stock.adobe.com)

Building and Maintaining an Email Database

We all know this scenario. We’re buying something in a store or browsing a company’s website, and at some point we are asked for our email address. Sometimes we recite it instinctively, or maybe we…
Lip sticks and nail polish brushes on white background
Photo: Free Creative Stuff from Pexels

What the Beauty Industry Can Teach the Home Goods Industry

If there's one company thriving in this retail environment, it's beauty and personal care retailer Ulta. The company reported a strong fourth quarter yesterday, and it's one of the few companies that…
Two Chess kings, white one lying down, black one standing up
Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

5 Ways for Retailers to Protect Against Industry Disruption

This week, Retail Dive asked, "Is home goods the next industry ripe for disruption?"  The answer? Yes, almost definitely. Just a few notes on some happenings in the past year: - Global Views…
Man checking email on laptop
Photo: Pexels

What Your Email Stats Can Tell You About Your Customers

Your email data may be one of the most useful marketing tools hiding in plain sight. By going through it regularly, you can learn so much about your customers' habits, interests and preferences,…
writing email on laptop
(Photo: Pexels)

5 Ways to Grow Your Email List

According to research from Campaign Monitor, you’re six times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than from a tweet. If you approach it right, your email marketing efforts can…
iphone next to plant with glasses and coffee cup
Photo from Pexels.com, Studio 7042

Having Fun With Email Marketing

It’s said creativity is intelligence having fun. So who’s ready for fun? As the lighting, decor and furnishings industry is home to so many highly creative people, here’s a look at how to channel…
Photo: Jurgen Appelo via Flickr

How to Personalize Your Marketing Emails

The latest research shows that customers want personalization from businesses, but personalization doesn't start when a consumer goes to the lighting or furniture showroom. Now it starts online. To…