
Online Retailing

Consumer Holiday Spending is Expected to Increase This Year
More consumers will be holiday shopping online in 2019

Consumers Expected to Spend More This Holiday Season

With the holidays around the corner, retailers are ramping up for the big holiday push. One question on retailers’ minds at this time of year centers around spending habits during the holidays. For…
Exterior of a Toys R Us store
Photo: Mike Mozart via Flickr

3 Big Lessons from the Latest String of Bankruptcies and Closures

Last week, the retail industry — and the hundreds of people still humming "I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a Toys R Us kid" song — got a nasty shock when toy retailer Toys R Us announced it would…
Marketing automation software such as Hubspot can help grow your business from start-up to empire.
Marketing automation software such as Hubspot can help grow your business from start-up to empire.

How Marketing Automation Software Helps Small Businesses

Small business owners wear many hats, but the one they often dread wearing is that of marketer. With all the other equally important things to do throughout the day, it's hard to find time to manage …
What does the our industry's future hold? (Photo: williamskitchenbath)
What does the our industry's future hold? (Photo: williamskitchenbath)

Predicting Retail in 2030

In 1989, Back to the Future Part II imagined the world of 2015 as a place of flying cars, self-drying clothes and dehydrated pizza, but as we know, none of those developments really came true (…
Each month, Lighting & Decor publishes with both lighting and home decor professionals in mind. These surveys sent to subscribers help us understand your needs and wants. This survey analyzed 80 responses.

Market Watch: The Lighting and Home Furnishings Overlap

The lighting and home decor retail market is undergoing a transformation. This transformation, in response to several factors —online retailing, millennial purchasing power, technological…