
Consumer Snapshot

Renovation Demand: Consumer Snapshot

One in seven homeowners has put their home renovation project on hold (15 percent), according to a new study from Houzz Inc. Conducted in August 2023, the survey of more than 2,500 homeowners found…

Trends to Guide Business: 2023

In June 2020, more than half of North American buyers surveyed by Shopify said the COVID-19 pandemic had changed the way they will shop going forward. Looking back, how did this play out? The answer…
sustainable living
These steps can help a home be more energy efficient and sustainable.

6 Steps Toward a More Sustainable Home

Interior design in 2022 has seen a greater demand for sustainability than ever before. These environmentally friendly homes include materials sourced ethically, or even salvaged. The choices…

The Impact of Inflation

This month’s Consumer Price Index saw inflation edge down a tiny bit — 8.5 percent for the 12 months ending in March to 8.3 percent for the 12 months ending in April. However, rising costs, thought…

Who is Using Buy Now, Pay Later Services?

The growth of online shopping and lingering economic uncertainty from the coronavirus pandemic have made buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) services popular payment methods for shoppers. These point-of-sale…
consumer shopping behavior
Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash

How Are Consumers Shopping?

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, shoppers, who have basically unlimited access to research regarding the products they buy, had been paying much closer attention to the practices of the brands…

The State of Home Improvement Spending in 2020

Last month, we discussed the shortcomings that people are finding in their homes as they continue to spend more time there. Many people want more space, nicer kitchens, outdoor space, and dedicated…
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

The Post-COVID Consumer

Six months ago, when the country first shut down, consumers had no choice but to shift the way they made purchases. Essentials like groceries, medications and personal care products ordered online…
Photo by chrissie kremer on Unsplash
Photo by chrissie kremer on Unsplash

Second Homes and the Affluent Buyer

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, many city dwellers lucky enough to have second homes fled their more congested urban residences in favor of the space and scenery of their vacation…

A Furniture Shopper's Path to Purchase

Before the rise of e-commerce and social media, a consumer’s path to purchasing furniture was pretty simple. An ad in the local paper or on TV might draw them into a store for a sale or specific…