
Designer Education

Product designers, interior designers and lighting designers are working in a changing industry. Competition from online services, DIY and home improvement tv shows, plus changing consumer lifestyles have continued to shift the way business is done. In this section, product designers, interior designers and lighting designers can read news, trend articles and more.

Design Coaching: How to Determine Your Design Fees

We all know many clients who like to exist in the disturbingly tedious land of catalog decorating. Refusing to punch a train ticket to bore town and encouraging mediocrity in the safe land of the…
Design Coaching Center, Cheryl Kees Clendenon, Designer Fees
Design Coach Cheryl Kees Clendenon talks fee structures.

Design Coaching Center: Determining Your Design Fees

We all know many clients who like to exist in the disturbingly tedious land of catalog decorating. Refusing to punch a train ticket to bore town and encouraging mediocrity in the safe land of the…

Last Look: Circle Design Studio

1. Our client for this space was a bachelor with a 6-year-old son. He is also a doctor who works long hours and is a world traveler. We wanted to create a calming retreat for a master bedroom that…

6 eco-friendly decorating ideas for your home this summer

With a huge 94% of Brits saying that buying eco-friendly home products is important to them1, it’s clear that the nation is looking to make conscious efforts to live more sustainably.  With this in…

Update Bathroom Lighting to Refresh Design

Following the pandemic, homeowners are looking to refresh their spaces. Changing outdated light fixtures can update a home in subtle, yet meaningful ways. As Randall Whitehead, IALD puts it, “why…
cheryl kees clendenon headshot
Cheryl Kees Clendenon


Designers talk incessantly about how to manage selling product and ensuring the sales are going through their firm. Social media forums, seminars and market talks are rife with the angst and nail-…
ASID NJ Design Awards Winners
The New Jersey ASID Chapter bestowed 40 awards on 17 designers.

ASID New Jersey Presents 2022 DESIGN EXCELLENCE Awards

Entrants from the New Jersey Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) into its annual Design Excellence Awards (DEA) learned the results of the competition at an action-packed…
Dudley Moore, Sr.
The Bienenstock Furniture Library will honor Dudley Moore, Sr., with a new scholarship.

Bienenstock Furniture Library Adds New Student Design Scholarship

The Bienenstock Furniture Library announces another new scholarship for its annual student furniture design competition, reflecting a $7,500 contribution made in memory of legacy furnishings designer…
Gail Doby Designer Survey
The Gail Doby Designer Survey covers salaries, fees and retaining employees.

Gail Doby Coaching & Consulting Launches Salary & Fee Survey

As part of an ongoing effort by Gail Doby Coaching & Consulting to support its community of interior designers, the company has developed a survey called the 2022 Interior Designers Survey on…
Varaluz Social Club Bathroom
Varaluz's Social Club pendant adds Art Deco style to this serene bathroom.

How to Sell Luxury Interior Design

The word “luxury” can bring connotations of flashiness, extravagance and big spending. But when it comes to luxury interior design, it’s important to understand how it transcends just a price tag.…