
Small Business Technology

From POS and CRM to project management and accounting, we share the tools that help advance businesses and streamline tasks for retailers and interior designers

Adobestock man filming video
(Photo: golubovy - stock.adobe.com)

How to Make a YouTube Video on a Budget

Our consumer research from last year found that when faced with a problem designing their homes, 46 percent of respondents said they go to YouTube for instructional videos. As the second largest…

Pinterest Is Becoming Shoppable: What You Need to Know

Facebook and Instagram may get the bulk of attention from social media marketers, but Pinterest is about to give both platforms a run for their money. As Pinterest prepares for an IPO, the company…
Raleigh Sheraton lobby
This Sheraton lobby in Raleigh, NC, embodies the design aesthetics that Senior Design Manager Brittney Hepler (pictured above) and her team strive to create for each Sheraton property.

Remaking the Guest Experience

Anyone questioning residential design’s impact on the hospitality industry needs to take a closer look at the transformation currently underway at Sheraton Hotels & Resorts. At the recent BDNY…
Adobestock woman looking at phones
(Photo: metamorworks - stock.adobe.com)

How to Stop Showrooming and Price-Comparing With Unique Product Pages

It’s no secret that everyone is price-comparing when they’re shopping, especially when it comes to bigger investments like home furnishings. You may be resigned to the inevitability of your customers…
credit card transaction
(Photo: Unsplash user rawpixel)

3 Things a Modern POS System Can Do That Your Cash Register Can’t

If you haven’t updated your cash management system in a while, you might be missing out on features that could help you streamline your business and avoid the headaches of tracking your sales and…
NRF Lars Peterson
IKEA U.S. President Lars Peterson spoke on how diversity and inclusion initiatives have been good for business and retaining talent.

Retail Voices

Just two years ago, industry headlines were rife with store closings, bankruptcies, mass layoffs and even media reports of zombie retailers. “I would say that retail is back, but that would be wrong…
Unsplash Twitter video
(Photo: Unsplash user Marten Bjork)

4 Social Video Tools That Make Editing Easy

According to research from Wyzowl, 83 percent of business owners surveyed think that video gives them a good ROI. If you can get over the growing pains of incorporating video into your marketing…
Man checking email on laptop
Photo: Pexels

What Your Email Stats Can Tell You About Your Customers

Your email data may be one of the most useful marketing tools hiding in plain sight. By going through it regularly, you can learn so much about your customers' habits, interests and preferences,…
pexels checkout monitor
(Photo: Pexels)

3 Signs It’s Time to Update Your POS System

A study from Synqera found that 73 percent of in-store shoppers said the checkout experience is their biggest pain point. With consumers growing used to the ease of online shopping, they want the in-…

3 Must-See E-commerce Seminars Happening at Las Vegas Market

There's no one right way to have a digital marketing strategy. What works for a furniture retailer in Dallas might not work for another in Denver. But if you're looking for ways to amp up your…