

5 Consumer Retail Expectations for 2023

What will consumers expect from their retail experiences in 2023? Stellar customer service and selection for sure. But where will they find what they’re looking for and how can you create a retail…
Retail tips for selling on social
Hootsuite shares retail tips for selling on social media.

4 Retail Tips for Selling on Social Media

You’re likely already connecting with your customers on social media platforms. Is it time to take those interactions to the next level and use social media as another sales outlet? Whether it’s to…
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Tools for Planning Social Media

As the coronavirus pandemic continued to impact businesses with stay-at-home orders around the globe in into May and beyond, digital connection has become even more important. With myriad platforms…
Top half of an alarm clock that is ringing
Photo: it's me neosiam from Pexels

How to Remember to Post on Social Media

How often has this scenario happened to you? You plan to post something to Facebook as soon as you get to your showroom office. But once you get there, a sales associate asks you a question. Then a…
A laptop and a tablet out on a table
Ready to hit the ground running on your digital marketing goals this year? Here are the tools you'll need. (Photo: Pexels)

5 Inexpensive Marketing Tools and How to Use Them

If you teared up at this Heineken commercial or followed the fine print on a dollop of butter to reveal a secret message from Denny’s, you know as well as anyone that great marketing can be…
Notepad and smart phone from Pexels.com
(Photo: Pexels)

4 Tips for Finding Instagram Hashtags

When it comes to posting on Instagram, you know it’s important to devote as much time as necessary to snapping and editing your photo or video to get it just right. Lighting, framing, filters and…