
Marketing Your Business

Whether retailer or designer, business grows when consumers know where and how to find you. We're sharing the tips and strategies for marketing your business online and off. 

Image by antonbe from Pixabay
Image by antonbe from Pixabay

4 Tips For Using TikTok in Your Design or Retail Business

TikTok is a platform that celebrates creators. From amateur dancers recreating 15-second dances to amateur chefs folding a tortilla into quadrants, the video platform gives anyone and everyone an…
Jamie Merida Interiors
Jamie Merida Interiors developed as an extension of Merida’s success as a home furnishings and flooring retailer.

The Keys to Building a Brand

For interior designers and retailers in the home design business, much of their success hinges on the ability to brand themselves in a way that connects with clients and carries through all of their…
Photo by Casper Nielsen on Unsplash
Photo by Casper Nielsen on Unsplash

Evolving Your Brand During Challenging Times

In the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, one word we heard often as it pertained to the designers, retailers and home furnishings companies in our sphere was “pivot.” Pivot to e-commerce. Pivot…

Making a Lasting Impression With Thoughtful Customer Appreciation

This past Christmas, while visiting my Millennial kids in New York, my daughter needed a pen. I grabbed a favorite pen out of my bag and handed it to her. Her reaction: “Mom, this pen is amazing! Can…

NKBA Launches Live Virtual Forum

The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) is launching a new live interactive digital forum called Brave New Business, designed to connect, share and inform. Created with industry partners…
Coco & Dash
Coco & Dash, Dallas, TX

Retail Strategies for Customer Retention

The relationship with your retail customer doesn’t end when the sale is made. It doesn’t start there either. Successful home furnishings and lighting retailers know a lot goes into making that…

Keeping Up With Technology's Evolution in Business

Back in the late ’90s, I worked for the direct marketing arm of a large, well-known publishing house. We sold books. Along came this little startup, which by that time was starting to make a name for…

How Color Impacts Consumer Purchasing Behavior

While every person has their own associations with different colors and no one color has a universal effect on viewers, there are some overarching trends in color perception that have considerable…

Integrated Strategies – Effective Multi-Channel Marketing

By now you can see that there are many ways to promote and advertise your business that reach well beyond email marketing. The right combination of advertising tactics can increase your sales and…

Retargeting: Increase Conversion Rates and Brand Awareness

The average website converts only 2% of its total traffic into sales. That means 98% of customers reaching your site are a missed sales opportunity.  What if you could reach that 98% after they…