
Marketing Your Business

Whether retailer or designer, business grows when consumers know where and how to find you. We're sharing the tips and strategies for marketing your business online and off. 

CRM Data Targeting: Increase Conversions and Engagement

CRM data targeting brings together offline and online advertising to produce the digital equivalent of a laser beam: precise ad targeting based on CRM data. What’s the Difference Between CRM Data…

Social Platforms - Facebook Total Reach

Are you using Facebook to promote your business? If so, that is a smart move. With more than 2.19 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a hugely popular platform despite the recent outcry…

Putting It All Together: Integrated Digital Marketing Success

By now you’ve come to realize that there’s more to marketing success than sending out an email blast and hoping for the best. New technology and techniques are improving the ability for advertisers…

Looking Beyond Email

The average email open rate spans a range starting at 16.48% for marketing and advertising industry-related emails to 27% for emails related to hobbies. For the remaining industries and interests,…

Integrated Strategies: Combining Email & Facebook to Increase Total Reach

You’ve got your email strategy set and you’re considering additional advertising venues for your next campaign. That’s great! Social media marketing offers strong potential to reach existing and new…
Pexels online shopping
(Photo: Pexels user Negative Space)

E-commerce Lessons Learned

Adding e-commerce to a website can be a daunting task. We spoke to two retailers in the infancy of their e-commerce experience to see what lessons they’ve learned since starting up.  Filament Home…
(focus_bell - stock.adobe.com)

How to Make a Good Impression on Your Retail Customer with a Welcome Email

When you’re putting your brand directly in front of customers, first impressions mean a lot. If a customer gives you their email address, they’re giving you permission to share your story with them,…
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(Photo: Pexels user rawpixel)

How Are Consumers Tackling Their Inboxes?

As consumers, many of our personal email inboxes are filling up at a rapid pace. As retailers, you might be wondering how your email subscribers manage this daily influx of emails. Digital marketing…
Adobestock email
(Photo: Bits and Splits - stock.adobe.com)

Building and Maintaining an Email Database

We all know this scenario. We’re buying something in a store or browsing a company’s website, and at some point we are asked for our email address. Sometimes we recite it instinctively, or maybe we…
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(illustration: blossomstar)

3 Strategies for Retail Customer Retention

Customer acquisition is important for any business — the more customers you have, the more products you’ll sell, right? Not necessarily. Even more important, and more cost-effective, than finding new…